
Czech Company database

We’ve joined data from over 40 sources so you can find detailed information about anyone who is doing business in the Czech Republic or Slovakia, which is over 4 million subjects, 2.2 million people and 750 thousand verified phone numbers, all in one place.

Merk isn’t just a company database. It’s a business and marketing tool that helps 15,000 users from over 2,000 companies improve their business as well as find new opportunities, all on a daily basis.

Free TrialSign in

Know your market as well
as your position in it

For example: 70% of your clients are manufacturing companies from Prague and the Central Bohemian region with 10–50 million in revenue. They have been in operation for over 5 years and have more than 5 employees. If you have 200 of such clients out of the 2,000 in the Czech Republic, you know your market share is 10%.

We will find you more
clients immediately

We’ll give you the remaining 90% of the market – those 1,800 companies that meet the criteria for your typical client.

  • 100% verified phone number, email address and website
  • development of revenue, number of employees and business area
  • rating, finance analysis, public contracts and funding

Don’t forget about
your existing clients

We will show you which of your clients are doing well and which not so well. The ones that have growing sales are the ones you want to target.


The sales team has all the
information they need

You know everything about each company — history, profit, turnover, connections, development and much more.
Get rid of routine tasks when getting new clients once and for all.


All the data you need
in one place

You have this information available anytime anywhere — at a meeting, in an office, on a phone or even directly in the CRM system. All of this in a well-arranged, intuitive interface in accordance with GDPR.


I want a free trial

Try it for free. We will give you our data for two weeks.

Thousands of Czech companies have started working with us this way, so try it yourself, no strings attached.

And many more companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Verified phone numbers

756,091 unique phone numbers

Verified email addresses

443,484 unique addresses

Connection tracking

including rating and scoring


2,245,484 people in the database

100% data quality

only truly verified contacts

Up-to-date 24/7

you always have the most up-to-date data

All devices

phone, tablet, computer, CRM system

Export to Excel

CSV, API and other formats

CRM modules

data in your CRM in 1 click

You can use API

and pair it with any app